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Showing posts from September, 2014

my multiple personalities: the life of a single-parent

" They have to have four arms, four legs, four eyes, two hearts and double the love. There is nothing "single" about a single-parent." While there are several joys and advantages to being a single-parent, there is also a side to it that is painfully isolating because those who aren't in the situation will never fully be able to understand it. So my intention in writing this blog is not to complain about how "awful" life is and tell everyone to "take pity on us poor, miserable, single parents." My hope is that in sharing this with you who aren't single parents, that maybe this will give you more insight into our lives so you better know how to befriend or encourage us. Recently I’ve seen some blogs circulating the Internet attempting to explain what single parenthood is like. Here's my own spin on it: 1.) Just because we can do most things by ourselves, doesn’t mean we want to. Sure I can change my oil, flat tire, fix the ...