"The most beautiful discovery friends make is that they can grow separately, without growing apart" Friendship takes on many forms to different people at different times. It can be a blessing, a burden, a learning experience, an opportunity to pour out and to be filled. Sometimes it comes from people you would least expect; and sometimes, those you hope will never leave, end up being the ones that walk away. It's a blessing. All of it. Sometimes in the moment it's hard to embrace the pain of a friendship that has come to the end of its season. But with some perspective and personal growth on our side, hopefully hindsight allows us to be grateful for all of the seasons friendship journeys through. It's the high school best friend you part ways with and reconnect with 30 years later. It's the military wives who used to be in your home daily; whose homes are now across oceans on different bases. It's the friend who wasn't a likely candid...
"She wasn't born Her. She found Her over a long, treacherous road. And the more treacherous the road became, the more of Her she found." -atticus