Single-parents know it’s hard for others to imagine, but as stressed as you are as a full-time student, as an active member of the full-time workforce, a stay at home mom to 4, or as a dad who works full-time and also coaches his sons football team, being a single parent is like the stress of all of those combined in one. We don’t only worry about the house needing to be vacuumed and the kids needing to be picked up from school. Or getting off work and mustering up the energy to help our kids with their homework. Our minds are this cluttered at all times: “Once I get done at work, I need to pick up the kids from the babysitters house, go home, make dinner, do the laundry that hasn’t been done in 3 weeks so the kids have something to wear tomorrow besides a bath towel…speaking of baths, the kids need a bath…when even was the last time they had one? I should wash the bed sheets when I’m doing laundry anyways and the kids should have a bath before I put the clean shee...
"She wasn't born Her. She found Her over a long, treacherous road. And the more treacherous the road became, the more of Her she found." -atticus